Heart Screening
“Following consideration of the results of the GAA’s Research Programme and the most up-to date international best practice guidelines, the Medical, Scientific and Welfare Committee of the GAA have advised that the most effective way to identify potential risk for sudden cardiac death, is for players over the age of 14 to undergo cardiac screening. We have all heard of the tragic cases of well-known sports people, such as Cormac McAnallen, captain of Tyrone who have died suddenly due to undetected heart abnormalities”.
“Healthy Hearts, Healthy Lives” is a mobile heart screening service set up to provide cardiac screening to help to prevent sudden deaths in young people who may have “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Screening is the risk assessment of an individual to sudden cardiac death secondary to hypertrophy or arrhythmia. They travel to your club to do the screening and also provide female technicians, so ladies can be screened also.
We would encourage as many players as possible to attend. It could save your life.
Date: Saturday 29th February
Time: 9:30am to 5:30pm (depending on numbers)
Venue: Clubhouse
Details: An Appointment Roster showing Players attendance time will issue closer to date
The screening programme consists of the following:
- Electrocardiography (ECG), Blood pressure check and Questionnaire at initial screening session
- Consultant Cardiologist’s report on ECG.
- Echocardiogram (ECHO), should this be required. An Echocardiogram will only be carried out if irregularities are shown on ECG testing. This will take place at a later date.
- Referral to appropriate medical facility, if required.
- Those requiring follow up will receive a phone call, outlining exactly what is involved.
- Personal results letter to each individual screened and their GP if required.
Cost: The cost of this screening is €50 per person . The Club is subsidizing half of the cost so the cost for each player is €25. It is important to note that the follow up Echocardiogram costs around €250+ in the Mater Private, and is included in the €50 cost, should it be required. About 8-10% of the people screened will require this additional test. This is cheaper than most GP visits and can also be covered by some Private Health Insurance policies.
Target Audience: Individuals, male and female aged 14 to 35 years of age.
Each person being screened is required to complete a questionnaire and those under 16 years of age must have parental/guardian consent. Parent/guardians can accompany their children and be with them when the ECG etc is being done, if this is what they wish to do.
Click here for a copy of the HHHL Patient Questionnaire (Hard Copies will be available in the Clubhouse)
Results are usually available in 7-10 days. Anyone who requires further tests will be phoned as well as receiving a letter. This means that the situation can be explained and it gives the individual a chance to ask any questions they might have. If anyone requires a follow up Echocardiogram, we will go back and do those, usually within a few weeks of the initial screening (we arrange individual appointments for the Echocardiogram, so all we need from you at this stage is access to the premises. Results of Echocardiograms can be slightly longer, usually up to 2 weeks).
The company have employed the services of Mr Oisin McConville, a trained counsellor (IAAAC approved). He will be available should anyone be informed that they can no longer participate in sport, due to cardiac irregularities.
If you are interested, please contact Dermot on 086 3904518, so we can book you a slot. Closing date is Monday 24th February as numbers need to be finalised in advance.
Click Here For “Healthy Hearth Booklet“ to assist you in making an informed decision.
Click here to visit Company’s website “Healthy Hearth, Healthy Lives“